Min neste restaurant anbefaling fra Palma er den indiske restauranten Basmati. Nå har det seg slik at vi i Norge spiser for det meste nord indisk mat. Den er mer salt i smaken, og inneholder mer sauser osv. Men om du tar en tur til Basmati (og det bør du gjøre i hvert fall en gang), så vær forberedt på Bengalsk mat. Den er søtere og ikke sånn som man forventer at indisk mat skal være. Jeg ble veldig overrasket, men maten var god og verten var super hyggelig og guidet oss igjennom de ni rettene vi fikk nyte. I tillegg er det greit å vite at her er det kun "set meny" i henhold til det restauranten tar inn av råvarer den uken. Tilslutt må jeg også nevne atmosfæren, levende lys på bordene, lanterner i taket, roseblader på bordene, noe som man burde oppleve bare det i seg selv. Nydelig!
Next out in my restaurant recommendation from Palma de Mallorca is the indian restaurant Basmati. Be prepared to enjoy Bengali cuisine. It's a bit sweeter than the northern indian cuisine, but tastes great as well. If you are used to eating nothern indian cuisien with the curries and masala sauces then you are in for a surprice. So be prepared for indian food as you haven't tried it before (that is if you haven't eaten Bengali cuisine before). The chef prepares only set menus according to the merchendise they purchase that week. In additon to the good food, you will experience a romantic surroundings . Candlelight's everywhere, rose petals on the tables and even on the floors. Beatuiful!
Next out in my restaurant recommendation from Palma de Mallorca is the indian restaurant Basmati. Be prepared to enjoy Bengali cuisine. It's a bit sweeter than the northern indian cuisine, but tastes great as well. If you are used to eating nothern indian cuisien with the curries and masala sauces then you are in for a surprice. So be prepared for indian food as you haven't tried it before (that is if you haven't eaten Bengali cuisine before). The chef prepares only set menus according to the merchendise they purchase that week. In additon to the good food, you will experience a romantic surroundings . Candlelight's everywhere, rose petals on the tables and even on the floors. Beatuiful!
Copyright on all the phtotos. Taken by me.
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