Edblad åpned sin første butikk i Oslo i dag. Jeg liker smykkene de lager, og var nysjerrig på å se hva annet de hadde å tilby. Så da måtte jeg bare ta en tur innom butikken. Det jeg oppdaget var at de også fører interiør og klær. Hele atmosfæren i butikken var dempet, smykkene var sarte og enkle, mange fine basis plagg, og interiøret i delikat design og farger. Me like!
Today the brand Edblad opened their conceptstore in Oslo. I did stop by to have a look. I was familiar with their beautiful accesories and now I learned that they also produce interior and clothes. The design was simple and classic. Basic and simple clothes, dainty jewelery, delicate colours on the interior. Me like!
Today the brand Edblad opened their conceptstore in Oslo. I did stop by to have a look. I was familiar with their beautiful accesories and now I learned that they also produce interior and clothes. The design was simple and classic. Basic and simple clothes, dainty jewelery, delicate colours on the interior. Me like!
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