Nå snakker jeg ikke om kronprinssesse Victoria av Sverige som ble gift i går med sin kjære, men om butikken med samme navn som er åpnet i Frognerveien 2 i Oslo. Jeg stakk en tur innom for å se hva butikken hadde å by på igår. Jeg var egentlig på vei til en sommerfest, så det ble et lite stopp på veien. Klærne i butikken er designet av Franco, og butikkens er oppkalt etter hans datter. Sweet! Ellers har han to butikker i Gøteborg, en i Stockholm, og nå en i Oslo. Stikkordet mht klærne var sommer og avslappet stil. Og her vil du finne kjoler til å ha på til hagefesten, stranden, badeferien osv. I tillegg så har de påfyll av klær hver uke. De tar kun inn små volumer av plaggene så her kan du finne noe nytt ofte, samtidig som at det er forholdsvis få som går rundt i de samme plaggene.
I am not reffering to the Swedish princess Victoria of Sweden, who was married yesterday with her beloved, but to the store with the same name that opened in Frognerveien 2(in Oslo). I stopped by for a visit to see what the store had to offer yesterday. I was actually on my way to a summer party, so it was a short stop on the road. The clothes in the store are designed by Franco, and the store is named after his daughter Victoria. How adorable! Otherwise, he has two stores in Gothenburg, one in Stockholm, and now one in Oslo. The key word with regard to clothes was summer and relaxed style. And here you will find dresses to wear to the garden party, beach etc. Since they have a small supply of clothing every week, you can find something new often, and few people will walk around in the same outfit.
I am not reffering to the Swedish princess Victoria of Sweden, who was married yesterday with her beloved, but to the store with the same name that opened in Frognerveien 2(in Oslo). I stopped by for a visit to see what the store had to offer yesterday. I was actually on my way to a summer party, so it was a short stop on the road. The clothes in the store are designed by Franco, and the store is named after his daughter Victoria. How adorable! Otherwise, he has two stores in Gothenburg, one in Stockholm, and now one in Oslo. The key word with regard to clothes was summer and relaxed style. And here you will find dresses to wear to the garden party, beach etc. Since they have a small supply of clothing every week, you can find something new often, and few people will walk around in the same outfit.
det armbåndet var bare helt skjønt!! :)
SvarSlettTrude: Ja, ikke sant:)
SvarSlettnice bracelet looks great
SvarSlettser ut som en flott butikk, hva slags merker fører de?
SvarSlettKumar: Thanks, I really like it:) Have a nice week!
SvarSlettPolliani: Heisan! Ja, var fin:) De sa at designeren Franco designet klærne og materialet var fra Italia. Ellers var smykkene håndplukket i forskjellige land.
Thank you for commenting! I hope you will have a wonderful week! :) See you soon!