mandag 1. februar 2010

Spreading the love

The faboulus and stylish Karobaro nominated me as a "Beautiful blogger". Thank you for the honour and makeing my day a bit brighter:)

The rules are.....
1. Thank/Link the person who nominated you for this award;
2. Copy the award and place it on your blog;
3. Tell us 7 things about yourself;
4. Nominate 7 bloggers and post theirs links.

7 things about me:
1) Every day I must have at least one cup of chai, made the real indian way with milk and spices! Yummy:)

2) Fashion is definatly a passion, but I also love reading. Maybe one day I will write something too. The last book I read was "The road" by Cormac McCarthy. Such a scary and emotional book, makes you appreciate what you have and feel really blessed to have it! Don't know if I'm going to be able to watch the movie...I probably will films also.

3) I love people who are able to spread positivity and constantly focus on the postive aspects of life. Maybe you think this sound like an clichè, but I belive people in general find it easier to focus on negativity, so to be able to find something positive in everything is something I belive we can work at constantly. It's just a matter of practise.

4) I love Barcelona! It has everything, great art, wonderful people, faboulus shopping, the most tasty tapas and even beaches.

5) I was really happy to be one of three winners of Lindex Norway's Fashion Reporter competition. Check out my report from Lindex 40 year's celebration here. The price is a shopping trip to Stockholm.

6) I love to surf the internet and be inspired by other bloggers. I am addicted to fashion magazines, even if I read a lot about fashion on the web. And to my husband's headace I don't like to throw away old copies of magazine's either...

7) I love to travel, and would like to do a lot more of it in the future. I think this must be the most wonderful thing to do. Meeting new people and experience new cultures.

I pay this award forward to the following 7 beautiful blogs:
1.Hippie, hippie milkshake
Pretty Portobello
Brown & Cookies
Design & inspiration
You inspire me, so keep up the great blogging!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for your sweet comment! And thanks for the book tip:)

    K A R O B A R O

  2. Marianne: Ingen årsak, du fortjener det! :)
    Karobaro: Ja, du er stilig og til inspirasjon også! Ang. boken så er den bra på en jævlig horribel måte. Det er jo en lite hyggelig handling, men abosolutt verdt å få med seg. Vet at boken nå er filmatisert med Viggo Mortensen i hovedrollen. Jeg opplevde boken som så sterk at å se filmen må jo bli veldig skummelt, forutsatt de klarer å få lagd en god produksjon da. Men nå fikk du sikkert veldig lyst til å lese den..not. Men jeg klarer ikke helt si at jeg anbefaler en bok uten å advare om at den ikke er for sarte sjeler. Men så har jeg også hørt om de som syntes at filmen var kjedlig...jaja, smaken er som baken:)

  3. Congrats, beautiful blogger! I have to add a book as you obviously are in the inspirational zone... "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert is a truly lovely book about finding happiness, love and the meaning of life. I'm nowhere near religious, but the book enlivens a spiritual side of me I didn’t know I had… (My only regret is that I read the Norwegian translation, I wish I had read it in English.)

  4. Hi! Congratulations on winning the Beautiful blogger award and this is great.
    Your skill is recognised and now you must not delay in starting on your book.I know this would be a grat one.
    Good luck and good work in february.

  5. Lena: Thank you! I have heard about that book, and have thought about reading it. Will put it on my to read list:)
    Anonym: Thank you for your sweet comment! It motivates me to continue to blog:) Have a great week! See you soon.

  6. Jeg skal garantert gi den en sjanse:)
