lørdag 27. februar 2010
onsdag 24. februar 2010
We need these jacket's right now!

Det er så kaldt i Oslo for tiden, så disse herlige jakkene fra Burberry Prorsum høst 2010 kolleksjon trenger vi akkurat nå. De så deilige og varme ut. Min favoritt må være alle sammen, nei, seriøst, så likte jeg den i det første bildet.
It's so cold in Oslo so looking at these jacket's from the Burberry Prorsum 2010 fall collection I was thinking we could use them right now. My favorite must be the one in the first photo.
tirsdag 23. februar 2010
søndag 21. februar 2010
Just a few little things
Jeg glemte helt å vise dere hva jeg fikk med meg hjem i fra Sonia Rykiel for H&M kolleksjonen. En genser og et sjerf. Jeg likte den oversize genseren og de friske fargene i sjerfet. Ble det noen ting på deg også kanskje?
Forgot to show you what I got from the Sonia Rykiel for H&M collection. I liked the oversized sweater and the fresh colored knitted scarf. Did you get anything from this collection?
lørdag 20. februar 2010
fredag 19. februar 2010
torsdag 18. februar 2010
Inspirasjon til å endre soverommet...
Jeg har så lyst til å endre på interiøret på soverommet, og har funnet noen bilder som jeg lar meg inspirere av. Hm, lurer på om jeg elsker hvitt:)
I want to change the look of our bedroom, and found som inspiration in these photo's. Are you guessing my favorite interior decoration color from looking at these photo's...yes you are so right it's white.

I want to change the look of our bedroom, and found som inspiration in these photo's. Are you guessing my favorite interior decoration color from looking at these photo's...yes you are so right it's white.

Photo's: everythingfab
Was lost..but now it's found!
Husker du den rosa blusen jeg fortalte at jeg hadde lagt i fra(i et tideligere innlegg) meg, fordi jeg ikke orket å stå i en laaang kø for å betale? Vel, gjett hvem som var heldig og fikk tak i akkurat den blusen og et herlig mykt skinnbelte i tillegg, jepp yours truely!
Do you remember me telling you about a faobulus pink blouse that I found the other day? Well, I found this blouse, but there were so increadably many people standing in line to the check out counter that I put it down. And regretted it SO much!
But the material fate was on my side and the blouse is now mine...what a materiall bliss:) Also got a brown leather belt.
Blouse & belt Zara.
Photo: Taken by Rock'n Roll Ballerina
onsdag 17. februar 2010
Relaxing with Elle
Fikk herlige Elle i posten i dag, sammen en trendbibel også. Skal krype dypt ned i sofaen med en deilig kopp chailatte og bare nyte...ha en fin onsdag kveld til deg også!
The norwegian Elle march edition came in the mail today together with a trend guide, and I am going to relax and have a cup of chailatte and just enjoy this faboulus magazine right now! Wish you a lovely wednesday evening!
By Marlene Birger fall 2010

By Marlene Birger is one of my favorite Danish brands, here are som photo's I borrowed from the faboulus Gala's blog am-lul's closet I just love love this!!! So faboulus and stylish! I want it all!
tirsdag 16. februar 2010
Say hello to these beauties!
Photo: Belongs to Rock'n Roll Ballerina
Thank you my wonderful husband for beeing so sweet and giving me these beautiful and romantic earrings, on V-day! They are perfect, and so are you!
Tusen takk min herlige mann for denne fine gaven på V-dagen! Øredobbene er så romantiske og vakre, helt perfekte! Akkurat som deg!
lørdag 13. februar 2010
onsdag 10. februar 2010
Hunkydory opens a online store.

I am so excited that the swedish brand Hunkydory is now awailable online. I love their romantic tunics and dresses! Check out their online store here .
photo: glamour
tirsdag 9. februar 2010
My favorite from Zara's spring 2010 collection

Love the pink blouse! I will have a satin pink blouse also! Was so lucky to find a faboulus one the other day at Zara, but put it down for just a minute ...you snooze you lose...ahh
So the search is on for a lovely pink blouse, similar to one on this photo, so if you have a suggestion, then feel free to share it with me:)
Photo: Zara
lørdag 6. februar 2010
Siman Tu turquoise chandelier necklace
Mens jeg drømmer om vår og varmere vær, så har jeg også tenkt mye på herlige smykker som jeg skal sprite opp garderoben med etterhvert. Og noe i turkis er definitivt på agendaen, jeg klarer ikke glemme dette herlige kjedet fra Siman Tu som Jessica Szohr hadde på seg i en episode av Gossip girl. Hvor fantastisk hadde ikke det sett ut på sommerbrun hud. Elsker fargen! Vil ha!
Since I am looking forward to spring/summer I am certainly dreaming about faboulus jewellery. And I can't forget this faboulus blue turquoise chandelier necklace from Siman Tu that Jessica Szohr wore in an episode of Gossip girl. Love that color! How great wouldn't it look on summer tanned skin! Want it!
torsdag 4. februar 2010
Winter beauty - Have a faboulus thursday everyone!
Herlig bilde, lyst og veldig friskt! Jeg blir jo glad av lyset og at alle de lyse farge kombinasjonene i antrekket hennes. Vi kunne selvfølgelig ikke kledd oss så tynt i Oslo akkurat nå med så mye snø og kuldegrader, men til inspirasjon var det i alle fall til når gradene begynner å øke her.
Love this photo! The light colors in the photo and the girls outfit is such an successfull combintation in this photo. Ofcourse we can't wear anything like this in Oslo these days with snowstorms and minus degrees, but I found it så fresh and inspiritational for a bit warmer winter weather.
tirsdag 2. februar 2010
Zara headbands
Jeg glemte helt å viser dere de to fantastiske hårbøylene som jeg fikk tak i på Zara. Jeg visste ikke at Zara førte hårbøyler, men nå som jeg vet det kommer jeg til å holde utkikk etter nye og stilige i fremtiden også.
Forgot to show you the faboulus two headbands I got from Zara the other day. I didn't know Zara sold such cool headbands, but now that I know, I will be looking out for new and faboulus ones.
mandag 1. februar 2010
Spreading the love

The faboulus and stylish Karobaro nominated me as a "Beautiful blogger". Thank you for the honour and makeing my day a bit brighter:)
The rules are.....
1. Thank/Link the person who nominated you for this award;
2. Copy the award and place it on your blog;
3. Tell us 7 things about yourself;
4. Nominate 7 bloggers and post theirs links.
7 things about me:
1) Every day I must have at least one cup of chai, made the real indian way with milk and spices! Yummy:)
2) Fashion is definatly a passion, but I also love reading. Maybe one day I will write something too. The last book I read was "The road" by Cormac McCarthy. Such a scary and emotional book, makes you appreciate what you have and feel really blessed to have it! Don't know if I'm going to be able to watch the movie...I probably will ...love films also.
3) I love people who are able to spread positivity and constantly focus on the postive aspects of life. Maybe you think this sound like an clichè, but I belive people in general find it easier to focus on negativity, so to be able to find something positive in everything is something I belive we can work at constantly. It's just a matter of practise.
4) I love Barcelona! It has everything, great art, wonderful people, faboulus shopping, the most tasty tapas and even beaches.
5) I was really happy to be one of three winners of Lindex Norway's Fashion Reporter competition. Check out my report from Lindex 40 year's celebration here. The price is a shopping trip to Stockholm.
6) I love to surf the internet and be inspired by other bloggers. I am addicted to fashion magazines, even if I read a lot about fashion on the web. And to my husband's headace I don't like to throw away old copies of magazine's either...
7) I love to travel, and would like to do a lot more of it in the future. I think this must be the most wonderful thing to do. Meeting new people and experience new cultures.
I pay this award forward to the following 7 beautiful blogs:
1.Hippie, hippie milkshake
2. Pretty Portobello
3. Regine
4. Starzzintheireyes
5. Brown & Cookies
6. Ladybirdnest
7. Design & inspiration
The rules are.....
1. Thank/Link the person who nominated you for this award;
2. Copy the award and place it on your blog;
3. Tell us 7 things about yourself;
4. Nominate 7 bloggers and post theirs links.
7 things about me:
1) Every day I must have at least one cup of chai, made the real indian way with milk and spices! Yummy:)
2) Fashion is definatly a passion, but I also love reading. Maybe one day I will write something too. The last book I read was "The road" by Cormac McCarthy. Such a scary and emotional book, makes you appreciate what you have and feel really blessed to have it! Don't know if I'm going to be able to watch the movie...I probably will ...love films also.
3) I love people who are able to spread positivity and constantly focus on the postive aspects of life. Maybe you think this sound like an clichè, but I belive people in general find it easier to focus on negativity, so to be able to find something positive in everything is something I belive we can work at constantly. It's just a matter of practise.
4) I love Barcelona! It has everything, great art, wonderful people, faboulus shopping, the most tasty tapas and even beaches.
5) I was really happy to be one of three winners of Lindex Norway's Fashion Reporter competition. Check out my report from Lindex 40 year's celebration here. The price is a shopping trip to Stockholm.
6) I love to surf the internet and be inspired by other bloggers. I am addicted to fashion magazines, even if I read a lot about fashion on the web. And to my husband's headace I don't like to throw away old copies of magazine's either...
7) I love to travel, and would like to do a lot more of it in the future. I think this must be the most wonderful thing to do. Meeting new people and experience new cultures.
I pay this award forward to the following 7 beautiful blogs:
1.Hippie, hippie milkshake
2. Pretty Portobello
3. Regine
4. Starzzintheireyes
5. Brown & Cookies
6. Ladybirdnest
7. Design & inspiration
You inspire me, so keep up the great blogging!
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